The Best Dui Lawyer Will Recommend A Trustworthy Best Bail Bonds Company

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Talks Bail Bonds and Innocent Until Proven Guilty

The best dui lawyer will help you find the most trustworthy bail company for your situation. Posting bails gives you a basic human right: innocent until proven guilty. . It protects more than your rights; it enables you to go back to your life while you anticipate trial.

The Best Dui Lawyer Will Recommend A Trustworthy Best Bail Bonds Company

Your Allies: The Best Dui Lawyer and a Trustworthy Bail Company

A study of felony defendants in 2002 found that 38% of defendants…were held in jail until trial or disposition. . The other 62% were released by the court prior to disposition, and 41% of those were released on bail bonds. (2002 US Department of Justice Study)

This means that 38% of people arrested for DUI likely lost their jobs, homes, children, and families. The majority likely were later released after trial or disposition and found themselves unemployed and homeless. Those with families likely found their families either on welfare, homeless, and even their kids put into foster care.

Imagine the stress of not only going through the expense a dui with the aid of the best dui lawyer in Santa Babara, but also rebuilding your life after the experience, from the ground up. Hiring a great dui lawyer is only half the battle and a single ally on your side. Finding a trustworthy bail company is the other half.

A Trustworthy Bailbond Company keeps You Safe

Imagine for a moment 5 people in a single jail cell with three hard cots to sleep on.. Imagine you are one of them. You seriously consider violence just so you don’t have to sleep on a cold cement floor one more night, or simply not to have to sleep next to the single toilet and sink in that tiny jail cell. In addition to losing your job, home, and family, you could be exposing yourself to unknown and unwanted diseases, illnesses, and violence.

In 1998, a study conducted by the California Department of Corrections estimated that there were roughly 71,000 beds available in the California prison system and 76,000 inmates on a daily basis. The already overcrowded prison system leads itself to violence. The best DUI lawyer can help you find a trustworthy bail company to help you post bail and avoid the needless exposure and violence.

A Great Dui Lawyer and a Trustworthy Bail Company Protect You

Finding a trustworthy Bail Company keeps you out of jail and on the road to recovery. The bail bondsman becomes your jailer, making sure you get to court and being responsible if you don’t. They then make sure you make your court date by holding the person who posted your bail responsible for the bail. . A trustworthy bail company paired with the best dui lawyer will keep you from having to pay the other 90% of your bail, or going back to jail if you do not make your court dates.

Finding someone your dui lawyer trusts and has built a reputation with keeps you safe and able to move on with your life as quickly as possible.

About the Author: Kenneth M. Hallum is a Santa Barbara DUI Attorney. is a web site where you’ll find more helpful resources about Santa Barbara DUI Statistics, DUI Santa Barbara and penalties for DUI.   For more information about underage DUI penalties, Santa Barbara drunk driver cases, plea bargain and penalties for a DUI, bookmark

The Best Dui Lawyer Will Recommend A Trustworthy Best Bail Bonds Company

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