How to Avoid a Santa Barbara DUI From a Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer
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How to Avoid a Santa Barbara DUI From a Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer

Another year is almost in the books and the New Year is right around the corner. From the team here at The Law Office Of Kenneth M. Hallum, we’d like to take the time to wish you the happiest of holidays and a very safe New Year. As the holidays quickly approach, we know that one…

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Driver’s License Suspension & Personal Injury

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Driver’s License Suspension & Personal Injury

If you have suffered a driver’s license suspension and it has caused loss of wages or other personal harm to your life, you may wonder if you can or should hire a personal injury lawyer to help you with your defense. The answer is yes and no. In general, a personal injury attorney is for the…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Reports on DUI Bill Passing in California Assembly

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Reports on DUI Bill Passing in California Assembly

The Petaluma Patch reports the  bill sponsored by Assemblyman Michael Allen, D-Santa Rosa, AB 1389 to deal with a criticism of DUI checkpoints, which immigrant groups say often result in more citations of undocumented Latino drivers, who are prevented by law from obtaining licenses, than drunk drivers passed in the California Assembly Friday morning. AB…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Reports on California Law and DUI Checkpoints

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Reports on California Law and DUI Checkpoints

The San Gabriel Valley Tribune reports legislation aimed at curbing police abuse of sobriety checkpoints was set for a vote on May 17, 2011 in the state Assembly’s Appropriations Committee. The bill sets specific procedures for police to follow when they conduct drunken driver checkpoints. As a response to allegations law enforcement agencies use checkpoints…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Talks Getting a DUI and Marijuana Limits

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Talks Getting a DUI and Marijuana Limits

In California there is no per se or presumptive level of marijuana under the DUI laws. California Vehicle Code §23152 (a) states; it is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle. The…

Santa Barbara DUI Cops Honored for Alcoholic Beverage Controls Program

Santa Barbara DUI Cops Honored for Alcoholic Beverage Controls Program

A group of 41 Santa Barbara County law enforcement officers who collectively made 1,656 drunken-driving arrests last year were honored Tuesday in Buellton. The officers were recognized as part of an advanced training seminar sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the county’s multiple agency DUI crackdown known as “Avoid the 12.” Resources  outlined to…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Talks DUI Checkpoint Apps on Apple and Google

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Talks DUI Checkpoint Apps on Apple and Google

Apple and Google have agreed to review applications alerting drivers to DUI checkpoints to consider whether they facilitate illegal activity. The concession follows a grilling from Senator Charles E Schumer of New York, who believes such apps are an active aid to drunk drivers. “Apple and Google shouldn’t be in the business of selling apps…

Santa Barbara DUI Defense Attorney Talks Underage Drinking and Driving

Santa Barbara DUI Defense Attorney Talks Underage Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving under 21 What chance do I have to win?  I’m underage, was drinking,  then was driving and now I’ve been arrested.  This is a common question which so many underage drivers have.   However, you have the legal right to a proper defense and you have every chance of winning your case. However,…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Talks DUI Trial and Getting a DUI

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Talks DUI Trial and Getting a DUI

Facing Your DUI Trial Facing a DUI trial alone is not an option you want to take.  There are serious ramifications to dealing with the legal system that will impact your life if not handled correctly.  It is best to obtain the services of a highly experienced DUI defense attorney to handle the proceedings for…