Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Your Rights After a Field Sobriety Test
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Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Your Rights After a Field Sobriety Test

Uh-oh – you went out for a few drinks with some friends and are driving home when you see flashing lights behind you. You pull over and your heart starts beating. The police officer steps up to the car window, says that he smells alcohol on your breath, and asks if you were drinking. You…

How to Avoid a Santa Barbara DUI From a Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer
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How to Avoid a Santa Barbara DUI From a Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer

Another year is almost in the books and the New Year is right around the corner. From the team here at The Law Office Of Kenneth M. Hallum, we’d like to take the time to wish you the happiest of holidays and a very safe New Year. As the holidays quickly approach, we know that one…

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Encourages Responsible Drinking at Easter to Avoid DUI
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Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Encourages Responsible Drinking at Easter to Avoid DUI

Easter is often a time to get together with family and friends, and have some fun. If that fun goes too far and you get stopped for a Santa Barbara DUI, visit as soon as possible. This is the online site for one of the top DUI lawyers in Santa Barbara, Kenneth M. Hallum….

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Cautions Against Halloween Sobriety Tests and DUI

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Cautions Against Halloween Sobriety Tests and DUI

I understand that Halloween seems like the perfect time to let loose and enjoy some good times with friends. When dressed up in costumes, people can sometimes act in ways that are different than what they would ordinarily do. Since Halloween falls on a Friday this year, you might be even more tempted to enjoy…

Former Police Officer Now Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Answers DUI Questions

Former Police Officer Now Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Answers DUI Questions

You were arrested and the DUI arrest report indicates you admitting drinking to the officer. “Shouldn’t I just plead guilty, the best DUI lawyer can’t change what I said,” is a question so often posed by the Santa Barbara drunk driver. Though the statements to the officer may appear to be an admission of guilt,…

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Holiday Checkpoints for Drinking and Driving

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Holiday Checkpoints for Drinking and Driving

‘Tis the season to be jolly – and the time of year you’re most likely to find yourself in jail, if you drink and drive. With increased holiday celebrations and those delicious festive cocktails that accompany them, you can bet that our streets and highways will be literally covered with law enforcement patrols between now…

Santa Barbara County Receives Drunk Driving Grant for DUI License Checkpoints

Santa Barbara County Receives Drunk Driving Grant for DUI License Checkpoints

The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office has been awarded a $63,500 traffic safety grant for an anti-DUI program aimed at preventing deaths and injuries on Goleta roadways associated with DUI reckless driving. The grant will allow The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office to launch a campaign that consists of education about drunk driving as well…

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Field Sobriety Tests for Drunk Drivers

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains Field Sobriety Tests for Drunk Drivers

Are field sobriety tests actually useful in catching drunk drivers? Or have they become a tool to incarcerate clumsy and uncoordinated automobile operators? First we must take a look at the 3 standard tests to determine the answer to these questions. Field sobriety tests have been developed to test divided attention, requiring a person to…

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Reports on new BAC Level Skin Device

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Reports on new BAC Level Skin Device

In a report by Zlati Meyer, USA TODAY, a pair of companies are working on a device that checks a driver’s blood-alcohol level through the skin. Takata, a Japanese company unit with its U.S. base in Auburn Hills, Mich., and its partner, TruTouch in Albuquerque, have received a $2.25-million grant from the Automotive Coalition for…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Explains Rights During a Field Sobriety Test
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Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Explains Rights During a Field Sobriety Test

Field sobriety tests are NOT MANDATORY in California. Santa Barbara DUI lawyers are often asked this very question. In fact there is no state law that requires a suspected Santa Barbara drunk driver to submit to any field sobriety tests when stopped on suspicion of DUI.  Santa Barbara Officers who stop you won’t tell you…