Former Police Officer Now Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Answers DUI Questions

Former Police Officer Now Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Answers DUI Questions

You were arrested and the DUI arrest report indicates you admitting drinking to the officer. “Shouldn’t I just plead guilty, the best DUI lawyer can’t change what I said,” is a question so often posed by the Santa Barbara drunk driver. Though the statements to the officer may appear to be an admission of guilt,…

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains DUI Driver’s License Suspension after DUI Dismissal

Santa Barbara DUI Lawyer Explains DUI Driver’s License Suspension after DUI Dismissal

Recently I was asked why their license showed a DUI suspension when the case was dismissed after review of the DUI arrest report. Santa Barbara DUI lawyers know that a mere dismissal, even one based on an insufficiency of the evidence, will generally not rescind the Administrative Per Se Suspension order of the DMV. The…

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Reviews Interlock Ignition Device after DUI Suspension

Santa Barbara DUI Attorney Reviews Interlock Ignition Device after DUI Suspension

As of 2009, nearly all 50 states have some laws regarding the use of ignition-interlock devices as an alternative to other methods of sentencing after a DUI or DWI suspension. In California, the court must legally impose the interlock device and only for a maximum of three years from the date of conviction. To receive…